Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sigma Beauty 10% off Code *only a few weeks left*

I toootally forgot about this coupon code. Sorry I didn't share it with you guys.  I'm sure you may have seen it already on other blogs or on Youtube.  But here it is:

Now through January 31st, Receive 10% off any Entire Purchase at Sigma Beauty

Use Code at checkout: 0112XJML 

Since January is almost over, there's only a short amount of time left to use the discount. 10% may not sound like alot, but a little helps all the time.
Ideas of what you can get:

Now this just came out this Holiday season. I soo want this set! 

18K Gold Complete Kit : Extravaganza 

This Looks Awesome! Maybe a Clairsonic Dupe??

A Must have for all Beauty Lovers:  Essential Kit

Get all your Beauty Needs online at Sigma Beauty!

Use Code at checkout: 0112XJML


*This post contains an affiliate link, in which I may be paid commissions when a purchase is made through the link.*


Shop N' Chomp said...

Oh my gosh the 10% off is soo tempting! But I just got a brush set so my wallet is telling me "no"...haha :)

(I know the price hike is crazy!)

Mary said...

@ shopNChomp, 10% is good, but I've got to be a good girl!!